Bringing Gender and Sex Together: Transdisciplinary Theories and Methodologies
Montréal, Quebec
The territory of the Kanien'keh:ka Nation
May 29-31, 2022
Nouvel Hotel
The newly founded Canadian Organization for Gender and Sex Research (COGS) is holding our 2nd International Meeting which will highlight novel transdisciplinary perspectives on gender and sex research.
The conference aims to explore novel approaches to the conceptualization and investigation of sex/gender that can emerge from integrating different disciplines and world views.
To showcase transdisciplinary sex/gender theories, methods & research initiatives
To act as a platform for transdisciplinary engagement
To expose the gender and sex research community to ground-breaking approaches and methods to advance gender and sex research
Combining plenary and panel presentations, symposia & workshops with poster presentations and multiple social opportunities to network and learn about gender and sex research, we hope that this conference advance transdisciplinarity in gender and sex research.
To consult the program click here
Gillian Einstein, University of Toronto & Founder of COGS
Louise Pilote, McGill University & COGS Co-vice President of COGS
Liisa Galea, University of British Columbia & COGS Co-vice President of COGS
Greta Bauer, Western University
Sarah Richardson, Harvard University
Bernice Downey, McMaster University
Harlan Pruden, Simon Fraser University
COGS will be adhering to health requirements in place in Quebec and Montreal at the time of the conference
Given the fluid nature of this situation, the specifics of the plan will be finalized closer to the event
Anyone attending the conference will need to be fully vaccinated and will need to show vaccination proof to gain access to the conference
If face to face gatherings are not permitted, the conference will be virtual
Sign up here to receive conference updates or keep an eye on our website & Twitter Feed for updated conference information and registration!
For more information, please contact
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